La Bio-Énergie, qu’est-ce que c’est - Rééquilibrer les énergies vitales | La Fée Zephi
Do you have a specific question, a fear, a pain, a state of being, or simply a wish to grow spiritually, to free yourself and restore the good circulation of your energy in a holistic way? Bio-energy offers you the solution! What is Bio-Energy? "Rebalance vital energies" Bioenergy is a holistic therapy based on the fact that each individual is made up of energy fields and that any physical or psychological pathology is linked to a disruption of these fields. Bioenergy measures and analyzes energy fields, locates and corrects imbalances in these fields and will help energy to circulate correctly in the body to harmonize the centers of vital energy: the chakras. This allows you to change your emotions, your thoughts, your intentions and allow you to see your environment from another angle. To re-create a deep connection with yourself, to be in the right balance between Earth and Sky. Bio-energy allows you to precisely and powerfully cleanse your energy systems, release stagnant...